Steel Chips - Resource (Off Chain)
Steel Chips are a natural resource that can be found on Planets that host the play-to-earn arenas. When a player enters a play-to-earn arena for battle, their Ship will transform into their base. While they are in battle, the base will mine Steel Chips which is a Planet’s natural resource. The winner of each battle claims all of the steel chips mined during the battle. This means the loser receives no Steel Chips. The number of Steel Chips mined during each battle will be roughly equivalent, regardless of how long the battle lasts. Steel Chips are an off-chain asset that is used to build (mint) new Ships. See the table below for an example of how Steel Chips may be earned in the game.
*Value is for illustrative purposes only. Actual value may differ. Steel Chips are used to buy Ship Blueprints. To mint a new Ship, players must own a Blueprint and spend the relevant amount of EXPS. Each Blueprint can be swapped (along with EXPS) for one Ship. The type and rarity of a ship a user will receive from a Blueprint will not be revealed until the mint has occurred.
This process allows the number of Ships to grow with the number of players while limiting the rate of new Ships entering the Cosmic Champs ecosystem. This helps prevent an oversupply of Ships and maintains the value of existing Ships for NFT owners.
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