Free-to-play economy
The onboarding process is crucial to reduce the churn rate of new players, it’s an ongoing process for every successful game. Blockchain-based games impose an additional level of complexity on the process. We anticipate that this will be the first cryptocurrency experience for many of our players. We’ve designed the Cosmic Champs app to take care of most of the necessary steps needed to interact with the blockchain automatically on behalf of a user. This ensures that users can start playing without having to go through the typical cumbersome steps such as setting up a wallet and buying NFTs.
Our goal is for the experience of accessing Cosmic Champs to be the same as free-to-play mobile games. The typical steps for free-to-play games include: 1) download a game from a mobile app store; 2) set up an account in the game; and 3) start playing. It should be that simple. Users will be able to play Cosmic Champs even without a wallet. To reiterate, no wallet, no NFTs, and no tokens will be required to play the game or to earn. Without a wallet, players can use their play-to-earn rewards in the app but they will need to connect a wallet if they wish to remove them from the game. The benefit of this approach is that it removes the need to confirm every interaction with the blockchain (including opting-in to tokens and NFTs) - which can be very confusing for cryptocurrency newcomers. This approach also saves on transaction fees, reducing the cost of acquiring and retaining new players. Another benefit is that it allows us to redistribute assets that were never claimed by churned players. Cosmic Champs will be accessible to anyone with a smart mobile device and an internet connection.
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